Just Talkin Outloud
Just Talkin Outloud
Firecracker Swallowing Gone Wrong & The Creepy Swedish Chef Detail!
Hello and welcome to our show.In this episode, we dive into some of the strangest and most bizarre stories making the rounds! First, we discuss a teacher who identifies as a cat—how did this happen, and what’s the reaction? Then, we move on to a shocking moment when a performing mermaid found herself in the jaws of a sturgeon during a water show! We also tackle a fiery situation—literally—when a woman somehow swallowed a firecracker. Plus, we ask an important question: Are you uncomfortable discussing finances? And finally, we uncover a creepy little detail you might have missed about the Muppets' beloved Swedish Chef. You’ll never look at him the same way again! Don't forget to text us or leave us a message on Speakpipe. Thanks for listening and have a Blessed week.
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